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Iphone 14 Pro - Better than 15

The Iphone 14 pro is about a year and a half old now as I write this post. I haven't personally used one, as I borrowed from a friend for testing, but it looks like apple may have made a teency weency effort in this one to lower the impact on users eyes. The iphone 14 pro PWM seems to be better than the iphone 15 pro, however they are still not better than other devices such as the OnePlus 12 and/or the Sony Xperia 1 V.

At 75% brightness the Iphone 14 pro has a flicker rate of 492 hz, which is common in all devices using Samsung provisioned displays. However one thing we see here, which we didn't see on the 15 pro max, is that the modulation is lower. Instead of turning the display all the way off, it dims down to about 100 lux, this dimming instead of turning off the display has been shown to be easier on the eyes. It still isn't enough to be in the safe zone, but it shows an effort. Good job Apple, (but why did you go backwards on the 15?).

At 50% brightness we see the flicker rate remains a constant 492hz, and happily enough the modulation rate still isn't turning all the way off - it is close, but just barely stays above the entire off line. We can see that reflected in the 93.89% modulation depth rating. (generally around 95% - 99% will be entirely off for the low mark).

At 25% brightness the flicker rate remains the same at 492hz, but we see the modulation rate is now hitting zero, or totally off. It looks like Apple is trying to keep it at the higher rate for longer with slanted peaks, however this is still not good for the eyeballs. This device might actually not impact some people as much as others and may be ok to use. It is probably better than many of the devices I have tested so far, although just by a little bit. I'd say use only if you are only slightly sensitive.


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