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Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra - Great phone - bad flicker

I have tested the Samsung galaxy s24 ultra at three levels of brightness to tell the full story of how safe it is for the eyes. The good news is that Samsung has upped the flicker rate to 492hz which is constant at all brightness levels. The bad news is that the modulation rate is horrible.

The screenshots above show the waveform (modulation) pattern at 3 brightness levels. As you can see Samsung changes the brightness levels of the display by alternating between full off (0 lux) and the highest level of brightness (lux). At 75% brightness the display flickers between zero and 600lux, at 50% brightness it flickers between 0 and 350 lux, and at 25% it flickers between zero and 180lux of brightness. This turning off the screen for the flicker modulation is harder on the eyes than if it just slightly dimmed the screen for each modulation cycle.

The above shows the modulation in relationship to the frequency. You can see that on the chart that samsung is almost in the "low risk" category, but just barely remains in the High Risk category due to a high modulation. To make a device that would be safe for sensitive eyes Samsung needs to either increase the hz, or decrease the modulation rates. Unfortunately that means that for now the Samsung galaxy s24 ultra is a hard no for those sensitive to flicker and modulation. Sorry to say because it’s a pretty great device otherwise.


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